CSS 基础教程
CSS 盒子模型
CSS 高级教程
CSS3 特点
CSS3 示例
CSS3 参考

CSS Animatable Properties

The following section lists the properties that are animatable in CSS.

Animatable Properties in CSS3

The following section contains a complete list of animatable properties belonging to the latest CSS3 specifications. All the properties are listed alphabetically.

Property Animatable 测试
background see individual properties 示例
background-color as a color 示例
background-position as a repeatable list of a simple list of a length, percentage or calc() 示例
background-size as a repeatable list of a simple list of a length, percentage or calc() 示例
border see individual properties 示例
border-bottom see individual properties 示例
border-bottom-color as a color 示例
border-bottom-left-radius as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
border-bottom-right-radius as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
border-bottom-width as a length 示例
border-color as a color 示例
border-left see individual properties 示例
border-left-color as a color 示例
border-left-width as a length 示例
border-radius see individual properties 示例
border-right see individual properties 示例
border-right-color as a color 示例
border-right-width as a length 示例
border-spacing as a simple list of length 示例
border-top see individual properties 示例
border-top-color as a color 示例
border-top-left-radius as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
border-top-right-radius as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
border-top-width as a length 示例
bottom as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
box-shadow as a shadow list 示例
clip as a rectangle 示例
color as a color 示例
column-count as an integer 示例
column-gap as a length 示例
column-rule see individual properties 示例
column-rule-color as a color 示例
column-rule-width as a length 示例
column-width as a length 示例
columns see individual properties 示例
flex see individual properties 示例
flex-basis as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
flex-grow as a number 示例
flex-shrink as a number 示例
font see individual properties 示例
font-size as a length 示例
font-size-adjust as a number 示例
font-stretch as a font stretch 示例
font-weight as a font weight 示例
height as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
left as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
letter-spacing as a length 示例
line-height as a number or length 示例
margin as a length 示例
margin-bottom as a length 示例
margin-left as a length 示例
margin-right as a length 示例
margin-top as a length 示例
max-height as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
max-width as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
min-height as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
min-width as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
opacity as a number 示例
order as an integer 示例
outline see individual properties 示例
outline-color as a color 示例
outline-offset as a length 示例
outline-width as a length 示例
padding as a length 示例
padding-bottom as a length 示例
padding-left as a length 示例
padding-right as a length 示例
padding-top as a length 示例
perspective as a length 示例
perspective-origin as a simple list of a length, percentage or calc() 示例
right as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
text-decoration-color as a color 示例
text-indent as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
text-shadow as a shadow list 示例
top as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
transform as a transform 示例
transform-origin as a simple list of a length, percentage or calc() 示例
vertical-align as a length 示例
visibility as a visibility 示例
width as a length, percentage or calc() 示例
word-spacing as a length 示例
z-index as an integer 示例